ETP 2012

Amsterdam – The Netherlands
host: Jewish Historical Museum
May 20-23, 2012

The first edition of the Educator’s Training Programme (ETP) took place from 20 to 23 May 2012 at the Jewish Historical Museum Amsterdam. The programme was organized in close cooperation with Petra Katzenstein (Jewish Historical Museum Amsterdam) and her staff.

Twenty museum educators from all over Europe participated in an extensive four days programme with workshops, lectures and discussions on education in Jewish museums. The programme was structured around three general themes that are considered as common issues for European Jewish museums: religion, Shoah, and culture. These themes formed the starting point for exploring and discussing different educational programmes and approaches and sharing best practice methods. The participants worked at different locations in the Jewish Historical Museum, such as the Children’s Museum and the Hollandsche Schouwburg (Dutch Theatre) and also visited the Anne Frank House for an extra workshop with Karen Polak from the Anne Frank Foundation.

“I found this spirit of open discussion and reflection very fruitful as it offered a forum and safe space to ask questions and run ideas by colleagues who drew on their experiences to comment critically and constructively. I returned to Munich on Wednesday with a head buzzing with ideas, questions and the hope that there will be more opportunities to meet colleagues and continue the conversation.” says Elisabeth Schulte from the Jewish Museum Munich, who participated in the programme.

ETP Amsterdam 2012

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